Get Involved


One of the best ways to get plugged in at S.A.C. is by serving with us in the various areas of ministries. Fill out the form below and we will help connect you with a ministry that best fits your interest, gift, availability, and passion.


Do you love kids? We are always looking for people with a passion and desire to help develop our children in their journey to discover faith in real life. We want to create a whole family environment that allows both adults and children to Belong, Believe and Cultivate their relationship with Jesus.


We are made to worship! While we have a variety of ways to express our worship, there’s just something special about gathering together as a local expression and being lead into the presence of our Lord.

We are looking for people to join and help us lead our worship as we gather together. If you are a vocalist or instrumentalist interested in joining our team, please contact our pastor. He’d love to hear from you!